November 2023
Parish Councillor & Clerk Vacancies
The current Parish Councillors will be standing down in November 2023 together with the Parish Clerk. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor or in being considered for the role of Parish Clerk and RFO please get in touch using the contact details below.
July 2023
New Website
​Following the merger of Hempton and Pudding Norton Parish Councils, we now have a new website that brings together formal documents from both of the old parish sites and will serve the new parish council in their place.​ We hope this will serve as a valuable source of information for the community and beyond. If there is anything you think is missing or incorrect, or you'd like to see added here, please contact the clerk.
April 2021​
Village Gateways Project
The Parish Council will be submitting a funding bid to the Norfolk County Council Parish Partnership Scheme for 50% price matched funding towards white village gateways, to help reduce traffic speed on B1146.
NEW Textile Recycling Bank
A new textile recycling bank is now located next to the laundry block on The Parkland site which is available for everyone to use.​ Please use this to recycle unwanted clothing and paired shoes. Thank you.
Hempton, Pudding Norton and Testerton Newsletter
Hempton Parish Newsletter